Our Pledge
We fully understand the importance of online privacy and electronic security. As we build our relationship with you, we want you to know that your trust is a valuable asset to us. We have taken several steps to ensure your online interaction with us occurs within a secure and private environment.
Privacy Policy
We respect your privacy! Information collected through the theMOSQUTIOstore.com site will be exclusively used by us for the sole purpose of product and/or service evaluation and improvement. Any consumer demographic information collected is considered confidential and will not be sold to, or exchanged with, any 3rd parties.
Personal Information
If you sign up for My Account, you will be asked to provide us with contact information such as name, mailing address, ZIP code, state, country, e-mail address, and telephone number.
Name and e-mail address are used to manage the delivery of our eNewsletter and marketing communications. We will not sell or distribute your name, e-mail address or other personal information to any third parties. From time to time we may send you e-mails with product news, tips and/or promotions. At the time that you register, enter or respond to an offer, you will be given an opportunity to opt out of further contact from us.
Like many companies, we sometimes use "cookie" technology on our web site. These cookies are stored on your computer by your browser. When you log in, this type of cookie tells us whether you've visited us before or are a new visitor. The cookie doesn't obtain any personal information about you or provide us with any way to contact you, and the cookie doesn't extract any information from your computer. We do use the cookie to help us identify site features in which you have the greatest interest, so that we can provide more of what you may want.
Sharing of Information
We do not sell, rent, or share any customer information that we collect on our web site.
We believe that your email address is private information and as stated under Personal Information, you have our assurance that we do not rent or sell your email address to anyone. We use your email address to send you order-related emails, like shipping confirmations, as well as informational/promotional eNewsletters.
At any time, you may opt out from any or ALL our eNewsletters, either online or by using the links provided in every eNewsletter issue.